Genesis City Fundraising Opportunities

Qualifying Charitable Organization Tax Credit


Genesis City’s Urgent Mission

Over 27,000 teenagers drop out of Arizona’s educational pipeline each year – a tragic loss of human potential. Genesis City tackles the dropout problem head-on by providing disengaged 14-21 year olds the opportunity to blossom into successful life-long learners and civically engaged community members.

A Long History of Discovering “Diamonds in the Rough”

Since its inception in 1991, Genesis City has provided hope and a new beginning to over 7,000 of Maricopa County’s most disadvantaged teenagers. Genesis City staff are specialists in the field of adversity marginalized youth to tap into their true potential.. Genesis City graduates (the majority of whom are the first in their families to earn diplomas) become “Trailblazers” for their families and inspire their neighborhood peers to return to school.  With the assistance of the agency’s innovative system of supports, hundreds of Maricopa County’s former dropouts and neglected youth are now stellar employees  in careers all over the valley.

Inspiring Youth to Be Their Best

Due to the real and perceived barriers to success that disadvantaged urban teenagers face, many give up  on their life aspirations and drop out of school. These youth find themselves caught in a downward spiral of despair, leading fragile teenagers to substance abuse, unwanted pregnancy, self-harm, crime and even suicide. Genesis City‘s innovative support programs reclaim the promise of Arizona’s disengaged youth by providing them with an opportunity and the tools they need to reach their true potential. Genesis City’s staff, experts in  the field of youth re-engagement, inspire teenagers to be the best they can become.

Who are the Hopeful Youth Who Find their Way to Genesis City’s Doors?

95% reside in poverty-level homes

15% are teenage parents

10% are Intermittently homeless

33%  are involved with the juvenile justice system

24% work an average of 32 hours per week to assist their families

68% are  first generation high school graduates

50% have been victims of violence and abuse


 Please Help Us to Provide Promising Urban Youth with a

Purpose and a Passion to Succeed by Becoming a Genesis City Champion Today!


The Youth Reclamation Drive opens the doors of opportunity to Phoenix’s most economically disadvantaged communities. Please consider becoming a youth champion by donation to this important initiative.

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Genesis City Blues Night

(Click the image below for more information regarding the 8th Annual Genesis City Blues Night)


Legacy Giving

Most of us know we should have a will, and yet Consumer Reports estimates that 60% of us don’t. In light of the expected $41 trillion intergenerational transfer of wealth over the next 50 years, our procrastination over wills is frightening. Without a will, the state will decide where our legacy goes, and even who will raise our minor children. Without a will, the state will choose an executor/administrator for your estate. Without a will, the administrative costs and taxes to your estate could far exceed those of an executor that you choose through your will. In simple terms, if you don’t write a will, the state will write one for you.

Although there are numerous computer software programs designed to help you create a legal will, the best advice is to see an attorney. A simple will is not terribly expensive and provides peace of mind. And of course a legacy gift to charity can easily be put in the terms of your will or added to an existing will. Take the time to write or review your will. You’ll be glad you did.

Thank you for your continued commitment to 
reclaiming the promise of Arizona’s youth.

You Can Also Support Our Award Winning, AdvancED Accredited Alternative High School

With These Programs!


Arizona School Tax Credit

We hope that you will also consider choosing our agency’s premier, award winning alternative high school, Genesis Academy, for your public school tax credit.  Our alternative education program is one of the finest in the state and specializes bridging first generation high school graduates into post-secondary education.

(Click the image below for more information regarding the Arizona School Tax Credit)